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(Story idea requested by superfun. Takes place before the events of "The Last Problem" for obvious reasons.)

There can only ever be one captain of the Wonderbolts, that's a rule that everypony knows. In order for a new captain to take over the old one must either die, retire or step down. Such is the situation that Spitfire finds herself in.

With Rainbow Dash poised to take over as captain and lead the Wonderbolts into a new era, Spitfire grapples with her decision to retire from the team she's lead for so long. And as she prepares to hoof over the reigns she starts to reflect back to her younger days.

Spitfire will recall all the ups and downs she's had as captain and how she even rose to the rank in the first place. After all, a mare like her being in charge of the greatest performance flyers in all of Equestria comes with a lot of memories.

Chapters (1)

Centuries have passed since the end of G4, and ponies have once again segregated by tribe. In this land divided by fear and hatred, Sunny Starscout still believes in the magic of friendship. She finds her inspiration in the ponies who came before.

A G5 fic.

Chapters (4)

The Spirit of the Tree of Harmony has always been a strange personality. Due to the very few times it has appeared to the Student Six, it was hard to decipher it's thoughts and desires beyond "friendship" and "harmony." However, one night, while Gallus is fretting over a test and is aided by this spirit, it reveals a hidden desire that was very surprising and unexpected indeed.

It wants to know what having a physical, living, real body feels like; and Gallus' body has perked her interest. But what's more unexpected is that Gallus lets the Spirit borrow it.

Chapters (1)


What!? Oh. Minuette. It’s just you. What the hay are you doing? How did you even get in my house?”

“Ye-heh! Just little old me. Sorry, did I interrupt your reading? I just wondered where you’d b–”

“My next question is: Why are you here? Sorry, sorry, that came out wrong. I meant: What brings you here, Minuette? Uh… 'my little friend'… you…?”

“It’s OK. It’s just… only… you know there’s a party on right now?”

Originally intended for Loganberry's Flashfic 150, February 2021: "Two Truths and a Lie" event.

Chapters (1)

3 AM is a tough time to be awake. Thankfully for Spike and Rarity, though, they don't have to be alone as well. They write each other letters. Rambles from them both. Whatever it takes to get through the night.

Then the letters stopped.

[Cover by Theretroart88]

Dedicated to the greatest soul-sister a brother could ask for, RarityEQM.

This story was more for me than it was for you and I'm sorry for it. Give me some time and, when I'm better, I'll write a story that better reflects you. I miss you, soul-sister. And I love you. Could use your guidance on what I should do about you.

One of these damn days, I'll stop being so selfish, and find a better way to pay tribute.

Chapters (1)

Discord seems to be getting ready for a wedding. Twilight has some questions.

The original version of this story won 1st place in the 180th Writeoff contest, "Confronting the Inevitable."

Chapters (1)

Really, Wind Sprint wasn't mad that she got shown out of the locker room. It was that the ponies outside of it were even more irritating than the elusiveness of the reason for being stuck with them.

Thanks to SockPuppet for prereading/editing.

WARNING: ♫ Making so much chatter ♫ Bout whey they're all breathin' fast ♫ Everypony looked past, and as I turned my lil' head I screwed up and got Locked Out ♫ (they won't let me in, they won't let me in....) ♫

Chapters (1)

Soarin wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night. A strange noise catches his attention from the bedroom next to his. What he will discover is going to make him realize - It is time to be true to what is inside his heart.

Chapters (1)

Hey, sweetheart.

Magic fixes everything. That's what they say.

First place in a Quills & Sofas Speedwriting Quiz Panic. The prompt was "What Magic Can't Fix", out of a collection of other prompts determined by a quiz.

A huge thank you to hornse, Snow Quill, Silent Whisper, Master-Thief, and rainsilent for reviewing the fic during the contest, and to the Q&SS group for hosting it!

Chapters (1)